An eye examination is a battery of tests performed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist to check the health of the eyes, assess vision and how the eyes function together. Healthcare professionals recommend that everyone should have regular eye examinations to check vision and the health of the eyes. This is especially important since many eye diseases have no signs or symptoms in their early stages – your eyes wouldn’t look red, feel uncomfortable nor would you notice any loss of vision.

Eye examinations can detect eye diseases, many of which are treatable along with signs of general health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, some forms of cancer, arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

Give yourself the best eye health check you possibly can and upgrade your sight test to an OCT or Premium Eye Exam. Available for additional fees when you have a private or NHS sight test.

Optical Coherence Tomography

With our state of the art optical coherence tomographer (OCT) we can perform a quick and painless scan of your eyes. An OCT scan produces 3D images of all the layers of the retina – the lining of the inside of your eye that enables you to see. This enables us to carry out a far more detailed examination than was previously possible. This 3D digital image of all the layers of the retina can be magnified, measured and enhanced to reveal disease otherwise difficult to detect with standard instrumentation – even retinal photography. With every repeat scan, the OCT can accurately compare data and build up a very detailed picture of how the health of your eyes may be changing, however minutely. OCT scans can be the earliest way to detect common eye diseases such as glaucoma and Age-related Macula Degeneration, in some cases detecting signs up to 4 years earlier. Many eye diseases are easier to treat and lead to less sight loss when detected and diagnosed early.

Our OCT scans are only ever performed by fully qualified and OCT trained optometrists. After the scan, we take time to carefully explain what it shows us, and discuss the results with you.

We believe that this technology benefits all patients over 30 years of age and is available for a supplementary fee at your routine eye exam. Ask for more details at your next visit.

Optos Wide Field Imaging

Optomap wide field imaging vastly improves upon now-old retinal photography technology. Optos enables a much wider and complete view of the retina allowing us to examine not only the central retina but also the peripheral retina. Standard retinal photography shows us only about 15% of the retina, Optomap captures more than 80% of the retina in one panoramic image. This enables much earlier detection of many retinal abnormalities and increases eye disease detection rates by upto 66%. Optos wide field imaging is useful in detection of eye cancers, retinal detachments, diabetic retinopathy and many other eye conditions.

Optos wide field imaging is available to all patients for an additional fee. It’s quick, painless, and doesn’t require eye drops.

Bethell & Clark are the only optometric practice in Colchester with this hospital grade instrument.

VDU sight testing at corporate rates

UK legislation ensures that if employees use a computer screen (VDU) then the employer must provide sight tests at regular intervals and provide the necessary corrective eyewear for your work.

At Bethell and Clark we have put together a package for local businesses and their employees that will ensure compliance to safeguard employee health in a cost-effective way. Both employees and employers will enjoy discounted rates and other special deals as a corporate customer.

We also accept a number of corporate Eyecare Vouchers schemes. If you have a voucher please contact us to check if yours is accepted. If your company already has a plan we would be happy to discuss a more competitive and comprehensive service.eyecare

If you think your company might be interested in our corporate deals please contact Philip or Emily Bridgford on 01206 573892
